Katy Cassidy

About Me

svg illustration of a dog and a woman on a couch

I am a frontend-leaning fullstack developer. Although I love algorithms and data, I prefer the visual side. The frontend is where I prefer to live. The backend is NYC: love going there, getting things, bringing things back. I do not want to live there. I am looking for a role where I can grow my ReactJS skills and bud my SvelteJS and VueJS ones.

Programming got its hooks into me when I taught 4th-grade math and used MicroWorlds to augment math lessons. It was the first time I understood that coding was creative, fun, and for anyone. When I taught Python to middle schoolers, I ensured that my students could see the creativity–logic connection. And to anyone who'll listen, I campaign to encourage coding as a habit and passtime, like reading, knitting, and jogging.

Everything I’ve learned and done for a living comes together with programming: linguistics, writing, math; and I can use creativity and logic to build apps that make people’s lives better.

The Gatsby/GraphQL site is underconstruction as I get my React Hooks honed and code cleaned.